Saturday, September 15, 2012

17 DAY DIET: day 15-

Day 15: weigh in 149.0
Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg and red grapes
Lunch: on the way to a soccer game, blueberry chobani
Dinner: (I was so hungry-after another soccer game)
            amazing grilled chicken, sauteed green beans, mushrooms
It is my baby's third sweet boy had to share his day with lots of soccer games.

I have always been a big eater...hungry all the time...always eating the leftover kid food...but I am not hungry on this diet!

Took the day off from exercise! My legs needed a break and I wanted to sleep in...of course instead of waking up at 4:45am my body woke up about 5:30am...

warm lemon water
4 of my 8 waters
3 of my 4 green teas


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