Thursday, August 13, 2009

Imitation of Christ: meditation of the day...

The Fifty-Second Chapter
A Man Ought Not to Consider Himself Worthy of Consolation, But Rather Deserving of Chastisement
(part one)

The Disciple
LORD, I am not worthy of Your consolation or of any spiritual visitation. Therefore, You treat me justly when You leave me poor and desolate. For though I could shed a sea of tears, yet I should not be worthy of Your consolation. Hence, I deserve only to be scourged and punished because I have offended You often and grievously, and have sinned greatly in many things. In all justice, therefore, I am not worthy of any consolation.

But You, O gracious and merciful God, Who do not will that Your works should perish, deign to console Your servant beyond all his merit and above human measure, to show the riches of Your goodness toward the vessels of mercy. For Your consolations are not like the words of men.

What have I done, Lord, that You should confer on me any heavenly comfort? I remember that I have done nothing good, but that I have always been prone to sin and slow to amend. That is true. I cannot deny it. If I said otherwise You would stand against me, and there would be no one to defend me. What have I deserved for my sins except hell and everlasting fire?

This is only part one of this meditation. It is hard for people of our time to considerthat we are not worthy of consolation, but rather deserving of chastisement. It seems so tough and mean...but the truth is that we expect too much just for breathing. Just look at our future generation that expects to get paid for doing nothing, they are so spoiled and have so much.


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