Saturday, August 8, 2009

FAT, LOUD, AND PREGNANT is no way to go through life...

These are not pictures of my stomach...

I am at that point of my pregnancy where I am so big, snoring loudly all night, and getting nervous about delivery !!!

My maternity tops are starting to ride up and my pants ride down. I have never looked too hot in a midriff. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever wore one.

I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, and from what I hear from my better half...I have been snoring up a storm...then I get up to go to the bathroom and can't get comfy off to the couch to try and fit my tummy into a comfy spot.

I know this may sound as a surprise to some but I don't enjoy or have easy labors. I am getting really nervous about being in pain, which makes me anxious, which makes labor even worse.

So say a little prayer for me and I will keep you posted when it is time for the big day, so you can all really start praying!!!



Rob said...

you should get a belly tattoo

Anonymous said...

I'll send you a temporary tat for the belly if you want. I have a nice little dragonfly for you!

Meditate on the love of Christ for you- His perfect love casts out fear. Use those herbal tinctures to prepare your body- do you know what i mean? Also you can have Rob press on points on your feet-reflexology points- to take edge off the hard contractions when you get to that point- it will be fine- once it gets going your body knows exactly what to do~ and it will go fast! You know, just stay busy until you can't think about anything else then get in the water, bathtub, shower, etc! Do you ever go early?