The old gray mare

As I lay prostrate on the couch at 7pm my husband and I laughed at the many years ago, 15 to be exact, when I was pregnant with my fourth child, my first summer pregnancy.
My husband said, boy were you "hot" back then...tan, in great shape, and mowing the lawn. Now 15 years later, I am 41 and expecting my 12Th child. I can barely walk and I am far from "hot", except my body temperature.
I can't help but be grateful for this pregnancy. I have lots of friends and relatives who are either infertile, are dealing with secondary infertility, or would love to have another child. I don't really feel old, and many people I know, go through great lengths to have a child.
So I will keep being happy with my pregnancy's and thank God I am so healthy and my husband is so great!!!
This old grey mare is better than she used to be!!!
My husband said, boy were you "hot" back then...tan, in great shape, and mowing the lawn. Now 15 years later, I am 41 and expecting my 12Th child. I can barely walk and I am far from "hot", except my body temperature.
I can't help but be grateful for this pregnancy. I have lots of friends and relatives who are either infertile, are dealing with secondary infertility, or would love to have another child. I don't really feel old, and many people I know, go through great lengths to have a child.
So I will keep being happy with my pregnancy's and thank God I am so healthy and my husband is so great!!!
This old grey mare is better than she used to be!!!
You know the truth is it will take a little longer to get it all back together but we've got time! We can't have babies forever or nurse them forever, but we can get in shape when this time sensitive hormonal activity is over. Lots of people get in great shape after 50 and some even run marathons - or for the less ambitious- half marathons. But babies can't nurse themselves and it takes a little longer to reposition the storage from pregnancy. God must give guys married to mothers of alot of kids special graces for dealing with some of the less than perfect physical side effects.I wish I could get ok with them too. And I wish the younger women did not seem so quick about being back in their hottie wardrobes! You look great Sam- can't wait to hear about this new baby!
Oh those summer months being pregnant are challenging. I'm just a few years behind you, but with only 5 children. For me that #5 was so much harder on me than the previous ones. I can imagine that you feel just a little spent by the evening ;)
GOOD LUCK and try to enjoy these last weeks.
I love this! You have guts, girl, to post these pics! You look great! :) So...where'd ya get that black/white bathing suit?! Can't wait to hear the details of vacation :)
Tell all the kids we say hi!
God bless,
p.s. And tell Rob -wow, I did not know he had all that hair! It's all about the hair, man.
You still look HOT
I tell parents of teens to believe what others say about their kid as the teen will rarely show a parent that side of themselves (the good/non-hormonal side). I'll extend that to: "Believe what your husband says about you. Especially when he says you're hot, when you're 8 months pregnant." God did give the man eyes to see with after all :)
Congratulations to all of you. This new baby will be so loved and cherished, as the other kids are too.
What a beautiful post. As one of those who faced infertility let me say that it gives me such joy to see woman who have nothing but gratitude for pregnancy and children. That embrace all the children that God has blessed them with.
I'm also 41 and my husband and I are adopting our first child. Why did we wait too long - because I was being too stubborn and refused to see that God had another plan for us. Now that I see it through His eyes I'd like to adopt 5 all at once to make up for lost time. But I will be thankful for how many children God sends us.
Thank you for sharing those lovely thoughts :)
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