Thursday, March 12, 2009


Wow what a response over at Coffee Talk with Danille Bean+ I wish I had time to read all of the posts. It looks like Wednesday's are going to be NFP day at FAITH and FAMILY. So go their for interesting posts and insights.

First off I have to say that I think NFP is a gift to us from God. I know many people who have used and use NFP for various reasons. My husband and I took NFP classes when we were engaged. We even defended it on our Engaged Encounter!!! Months later we each decided separately in prayer that we thought God had other, BIGGER, (ha-ha) plans for us!!! So in April a month before our wedding...I knew I was going to be fertile on our honeymoon-and we were both thrilled...the rest is history!!! We had baby after baby, thank God for my great health, and even times when we considered using NFP to GET PREGNANT!!! So we are expecting #12 in September and are thrilled to pieces!!! May God Bless all my friends and family who want more babies!!! My heart also goes out to my friends and family whose health is that pregnancy is too dangerous at this time+++


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