Monday, September 28, 2009


Hello all it is Monday afternoon and I have been fever free today!!! Still in bed, but feeling better. Yesterday was hopefully the last of my crazy Postpartum trip. I was feeling good and even got out of bed and ate a great dinner, was so happy that I hadn't had a fever for hours (a new record) and asked someone to hold the baby while I went to the bathroom. When I went to the bathroom reddish stuff started to squirt straight out (sorry for the detail) of my stomach like a geiser...where the incision was (a pin hole), I almost freaked out. Called Rob, he called his mom and we grabbed the baby and our already packed bag from the previous visits to the ER this weekend. I had been watching a bump on top of my incision for infection, three doctors checked it on Friday night at the ER, and it seemed fine...well it burst or should I say squirted.
You know it's bad when you walk into the ER and the nurse behind the check in desk say's, 'aren't you the lady with the 11 day old? You are looking better today." The doctor who checked me out is hopeful that is where my infection is/was and thinks this is a good thing it drained it self... So they sent me home watching it.

Never a dull moment...and it was like watching the exorcist, but today has been a great day...



Anonymous said...

OMIGOSHWHATTHEHECK? do you have a UTI or an infection in your incision? Where the devil did you have this baby, in a cesspool? Did none of them wash their hands? HOLY COW!
I do not know how you are keeping your head in all of this, honestly!
AaAargghhh! I will have to go back to the bakery- your situation is totally stressing me out.;o)

No really I am worried for you- this sounds more and more not okay to me. I know you are in good hands- though-and I am praying for you! Sometimes these trials come harder when you have a child with a vocation. Your suffering has something to do with his vocation. May the Blessed Mother preserve you!

Tonya said...

Ok, that's just really gross. I think I would have freaked out. Hopefully the dr is correct and your body "drained" (squirted?) the infection out. Ugh. I think I'll go puke now...

Keep us posted on your progress - even if it grosses us out! :-)

momto5minnies said...

YIKES! Hoping that you are done with the recovery drama. I'm thinking you will NEVER step foot in that hospital (the one you delivered) EVER, EVER again.

Feel better ...