Thursday, September 17, 2009

Small Successes Thursday...

Is it Thursday? It has been a long week...

1. had baby

2. not totally disappointed it ended in a c section

3. appreciate my amazing husband and all the family and friends who have been helping out

See more successes here.
Thy will be done!!! +JMJ+


Elizabeth Foss said...

Oh Sam! Those are no small successes:-). Be gentle with yourself and take your time bouncing back. It's a huge shock to have a c-section after lots of natural childbirths. Give yourself time to heal and to process everything you've been through. You brought a healthy baby into the world: big, huge success!

momto5minnies said...

You had some wonderful BIG SUCCESSES this week.

I'm glad to hear you have so many wonderful helpers nearby. Rest, take the help, and snuggle lots with that cute baby of yours.

Party of Eleven said...

Hahaha, love # 1. This week you should have titled it BIG successes Thursday... :) Congratulations again on your beautiful baby BOY!