WE are very excited that our insurance is paying for us to have a home birth again!!!
Home births are not for everyone. Our nurse midwives are certified and are VERY cautious about who gets to deliver at home.
Our first child was born in a hospital, the next seven at home, then #9 at the birthing center (insurance!), next at home, then #11 our 11 pounder at the birthing center. By far we enjoy the comfort of our own home.
Thank God I have had very healthy pregnancies and deliveries!!!
If you want a good laugh read my husband's blog from last June on Home births.
BTW...I don't enjoy being pregnant or labor!!!
Yay...glad to here about that, I've been wondering how your insurance was working out. When is your official due date?? I know we are close together..I'm due August 31st with our 5 baby..but first homebirth. I'll have to read your husbands blog about them. Hope you are doing your best to stay comfortable.
I only had one at home, and I much prefer the epidural- no surprise there- I have never really had the benefit of insurance to pay for the more natural option- crazy eh? I am such a wannabe compared to you!
Ok, you have to let us know blow by blow when you are close to going in to labor so we can be praying!
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