Friday, August 29, 2008

Taking my daugter to college...

I have undergone large amounts of stress this year. I don't think I have ever cried as much as I have these past 12 months!!! Why couldn't tears be calories??? I would be a super model by now!!!

After giving birth to my 11Th baby, I found out my son wanted to spend a year in prayer to discern his future vocation. Then after he decided to join the Novitiate I had to trust that ALL the prayers I have been saying since before my son's conception were now being answered!!!

LAST WEEK we took my daughter to college. Now it is about a half hour away...she has nice roommates...her dorm was extremely nice and big and in a safe area...what more could I ask???I talked to her about three times last night, texted her about four times...and will see her tonight at the mass for new students!!! Why then was I in tears all night? It just felt so sad...I am not getting much sympathy from my friends who have watched most of their kids do the same...because I still have nine little guys at home!!

Some how this is all part of God's plan.

We give you thanks for all your gifts,almighty God, living and reigning now and forever...


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