Sunday, August 24, 2008

IMITATION OF CHRIST: Meditation of the day...

*I am now on book two of the Imitation of Christ...I will be meditating on this wonderful book for the rest of the year...pick up a copy at the library, bookstore, or read online. It is one of the oldest and best spiritual books I have ever encountered...ask your priest or spiritual director for advice to fit your state in life. +JMJ+

First Chapter


Give place, then, to Christ, but deny entrance to all others, for when you have Christ you are rich and He is sufficient for you. He will provide for you. He will supply your every want, so that you need not trust in frail, changeable men. Christ remains forever, standing firmly with us to the end. (I can promise you that He has provided our family with every single need...from soccer cleats to houses...we never had a contract in front of us that said, "if you are open to life and my will, I will make sure you get a car, home, clothing, and food, etc..." We could write a book on the many miracles that God has done. It is such a grace to depend on HIM so we can see HIS love and mercy through the way HE provides for our family!!!)

Do not place much confidence in weak and mortal man, helpful and friendly though he be; and do not grieve too much if he sometimes opposes and contradicts you. Those who are with us today may be against us tomorrow, and vice versa, for men change with the wind. Place all your trust in God; let Him be your fear and your love. He will answer for you; He will do what is best for you.

You have here no lasting home. You are a stranger and a pilgrim wherever you may be, and you shall have no rest until you are wholly united with Christ.

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

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