Friday, July 27, 2012


FOUND FROM HERE O Blessed Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, we consecrate to you today this child STEVEN in the womb of your handmaid SAM. Through your maternal intercession, preserve this child from every harm, from every hostile rage, and from evil spirits by day and by night. Obtain for this child bright shining angels to enfold and cherish it, guarding it from every assault of the evil demons and from all sickness and infirmity of body and soul. Holy Mother, who are entrusted by God with the care of His little ones, this child now belongs to you. Therefore we pray that you lift up this child into the light of His countenance, that the child may always be signed with the Cross of your Son, in its heart and understanding; that the child may flee the vanity of this world and every evil device of the enemy, and follow God’s commandments, living the Truth in Love. We beseech you to intercede that the name of the Lord Jesus may always remain unrenounced upon this little one. At a fitting time may this child be joined to the Holy Catholic Church and be perfected through the awesome Mysteries of Christ, and attain unto the blessedness of the elect in the Kingdom of Heaven. Keep this child ever close to your Immaculate Heart, surrounded and nourished by your motherly love. Take this little one as your own special charge; teach the child all the ways of righteousness, that it prefer nothing to God’s will, giving thanks to Him always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let your designs for this child be known at the proper time, and arrange everything for the glory of God, so that one day this child, and all of us your faithful children, will join you in the joy of Heaven. And may the blessing of the Lord + be henceforth and forevermore upon this child, through the grace, mercy, and loving-kindness of His only-begotten Son, with whom He is blessed together with His all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit, now and forever and unto ages of ages. Amen! FOR MY BABY STEVEN AND ALL UNBORN! THY WILL BE DONE!!!+JMJ+

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