Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Should I feel guilty that the past month I count down till 7 pm when I can put down my 22month old???!!!

He used to be so sweet and cute...now he is rough, mean, and a big bully!!!
Even the big kids...who BTW have made him such a spoiled monster, count down...

WE LOVE YOU BABY E, and can't wait till you become sweet again!!!



Mary @ Cheerios said...

This is soooo funny ! LOL ! b/c I know what you mean...I've been asking for my sweet baby girl who is almost 4 (she didn't have any terrible 2 or 3 !)...I hope it does not last!!!
God bless, Mary

Mary @ Cheerios said...

I meant to say that I've been asking for my sweet baby girl who is almost 4---to have her back!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so not alone- my three tear old twins can be like the Tasmanian devil only cloned twice over!

Maurisa said...

He he he. Can't help but laugh a little.

Katie said...

last night I was thankful that it was so late . . . because we were closer the the boys bedtime!

You are not alone!

Rob said...

No should not feel guilty. he is a monster.

love the monster's baby

Party of Eleven said...

Sam--I've been keeping OUR Baby E (21 mo.) up during the day so he will go to sleep early at night (dinner, bath, sleep!). Usually I can put him to bed between 7 and 8 now! Love the picture of your Baby E!