Monday, March 17, 2008

Be a light to the world...

During mass on Sunday I realized that once again time is passing quickly...Lent is almost over...Holy Week is starting...did I accomplish what God was asking me too? Am I the beacon of light He has called me to be? Am I the wife my husband deserves? Have I even touched on the Compassion I so wanted to strive for with my children. Am I raising them to love and serve Jesus as their best friend. Is my home a haven of rest to my family and friends? Have I decluttered even a small portion of my junk? What will I do this Holy week to change the world. The world of my home, my little cloister(noisest in the world). The husband and children that have been in trusted under my care? Lord please help me to be the person you created me to be...the light to the world...especially my little world. St.Patrick Pray for us!!!

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