Tuesday, June 17, 2008



A) ASK FOR HELP: Push away pride, give others the opportunity to receive
the graces to serve. stop trying to be super mom!!!

1. God- be specific. The widow in the bible who kept asking the judge...beg!
2. Kids- responsibilities
3. Others-in-laws, godparents, neighbors, people from church, and especially people who ask if you need anything or offer their services. Examples:
Carpooling, wash, ironing, pick up groceries, barrow from neighbors.
4. Try not to ask your husband...I want him to be happy to come home, be open to life, and continue to want to homeschool

B) BLESS YOUR FAMILY: Rethink cleaning as blessing your family. BE A PROFESSIONAL OF YOUR HOME!!! Look like a pro too...do your hair, make up, and look nice. (especially for your husband)

1. FLYLADY- a. Get dressed to your shoes in the morning.
b. Keep your sink clean.
c. At night review next day schedule and lay out your clothes.
d. Declutter (27 fling boogie)
e. Hotspots
f. SHE (sidetracked home executive)

C) CHARTS & CALENDERS: think about what you need help with and schedule yourself and others to do it.
1. Job charts- personalize
Husband’s pet peeves (ask)
What you wished you could accomplish each day.
2. Calendars- things we forget
Specify a day for errands, etc...
Break down your day (schedule)
Family fun
3. Routine!!!!!

D) DE STRESS YOUR LIFE!!!! This is easier for parents with little kids because they are involved in less activities and homework. BE FLEXIBLE!!! It definitely changes with out state in life...pregnancy, moving, construction, etc...

What has helped me: (discern your state in life)
1. Early bed time.
A. gives you time with your spouse
B. gives you one on one time with other kids
C. gives you time to do evening activities
D. get to sleep early yourself (pregnant or nursing)
F. those of you who have lots of children it gives them
Quiet time, personal space, and opportunity to read

2. Narrow down unnecessary activities!!!!!
a. discuss with spouse
b. limit/combine with other kids
c. kids appreciate the opportunity more and don’t take for granite
d. pray about the virtues you want your child to have

a. your state in life
1. spouse
2. children-nursery, Sunday school, CCD, sports

b. use your talents
1. offer your services to your pastor
2. volunteer at your child’s school
3. help a new mom out

All these ways take time and discernment. Just because they work for me doesn’t mean they will work for you. Take small steps and laugh alot!

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