Sunday, December 1, 2013

CC Turned Eight!!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little princess!!!
 Wow, you are eight! How in the world did that happen? 
It was just yesterday when you were stealing your sisters makeup 
and I was finding candy wrappers under your bed!
You have always been our "Hunter" girl moving and keeping us busy! 
You are an awesome bike rider and now you are reading up a storm!!! 
So very proud of you! Most of all I am so glad that Jesus is your best friend!!! 
Stay close to HIM and he will guide and direct your every path!!!
Daddy loves to write about you!!! 
Like here and here  
and here and also here!

 This classic photo was last May at First Communion when the bathrooms at Church broke!!!
Love you forever, like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be!!!

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