Saturday, September 10, 2011

Nine/Eleven Memories:

I bet everyone has a memory of what they were doing on 9/11 ten years ago.

I was about 7 months pregnant with my eighth child. I started the day off with my seven little kids by going to 8 am mass. I remember like it was yesterday when Monsignor said his regular prayer intention. "For all those who will die today, for the policemen and those who serve our country..." Who would know that about an hour later that prayer would be needed like never before.

After mass I packed up my youngest five to head to Alexandria, Virginia for a midwife appointment. My oldest two stayed home to do school work.

As I was driving over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge my eight year old son said, "Mom, what is all that smoke over there?" I looked over and saw the sky full of smoke. I had no idea what it was from. Little did I know it was the Pentagon.

I walked into the midwife office and saw everyone staring at a small TV with live footage of the first tower that was just hit...then we all watched in horrow as the second tower was hit. I couldn't comprehend what was actually happening. In my life time I had never really encountered a national crisis before.

My midwife checked the heart beat real fast and suggested I get home as soon as possible. I packed up the kids and got on the bridge home. The traffic was starting to get crazy and the cell phones weren't working.

I finally got home and my kids ran out and said the phone was ringing off the hook. My neighbor ran out to fill me in on what was actually happening. I was in shock and we just went in the house and became numb like the rest of America.

The rest is history. God Bless and keep America safe.


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