Sunday, December 11, 2011

Time to heal:

It is time to heal:
After trying to get pregnant...
Then finding out I was 6 weeks pregnant...
Being nervous due to spotting...
Then finding out the baby didn't have a heart beat...
Naming the baby HOPE...
Being grateful for what we have...
Nervous about the D & C...
Not having a D & C...
Slowly passing the baby...
Then today we buried our baby...
Closure and healing time...
Please dear Lord, bless us with another child...



Mary @ Cheerios said...

Oh Sam, praying for you all. I so know how you feel right now....St. Hope~Pray for us!
God bless,

Kathy said...

Sending prayers & hugs. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Lena said...

St. Hope & St. Maris (my baby that I lost in Sept.) - orate pro nobis.

Anonymous said...

Have been there, you are an inpirational family. I pray the best happens for you.