Friday, February 28, 2014

SWEET 16!!!

My sweet quiet Joseph,Everyone needs a Joseph in their life! May you always hear the voice of God to direct and guide you! Thank you for being such a good big brother and playing with your little siblings! Jesus is your best friend don't ever forget that!

Love you forever, Like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be!!! 


Sunday, February 16, 2014

My first baby turns 24!!!

Wow, aren't I 24? It feels like it was just yesterday when I was 24. Those were great days!!! Being 24 and expecting baby # 3. Feeling young and loving my babies!!! Learning how to be a wife and mommy.

I couldn't of asked for a better "honeymoon" gift than God sending you to daddy and I!!! You were "born old" and took care of each baby sibling like they were your own. Always mature, smart, and responsible. (even if teenage girls don't want those qualities!) Thanks for rejoicing with us with each baby and being there to help when we needed you. As your siblings always say, "She really raised the bar for our family!" Love God and trust and follow in HIS ways all the days of your life and all will go well!!! THY WILL BE DONE!!! Hope your year is full of miracles!!! Love ya!!!