Monday, December 12, 2011

Our Lady of Guadalupe:

The position of the sash (it's up high) and the folds in the tunic show that the lady is pregnant. The color should be black, which is symbolic of the Aztec maternity belt.

Pattern of the dress: The flor y canto pattern (flower and song) connect her to the native people and suggest divine revelation.

Her dress: A light rose/pale red is for the color of dawn. This color was hugely important to Aztecs, who saw considered the color to be the symbol of life, blood and earth.

Stars on the mantle: The eight-point gold stars are arranged as they would have appeared to Juan Diego in the night sky that winter in December 1531. Mary is also known as the Queen of Heaven, hence the stars.
Mantle: The blue-green color is the one worn by royalty according to the native people. The gold trim is symbolic of royalty and a person meriting great respect.

Moon: The moon was worshiped by the native people. By her stepping on them, it shows how the old gods do not exist, only the one god.

Angel: In Aztec culture, only honored people would ever be carried around on someone else's shoulders. The angel supporting the Blessed Mother show that she deserves the highest honors and that even angels care for her.


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