Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My 21st...first day of school as a Homeschooling mommy...

First Day of school...

Pretty funny that I have been homeschooling for 21 years! Each year with its different challenges and exciting changes. Many, many years in the beginning had a new baby or a tired pregnant mommy, but we made it through each year! I have successfully graduated my seven oldest!

Child #1 graduated with her masters at age 21, debt free and is now married, expecting baby #2 and is an evening hospital social worker. Child #2 graduated debt free and is now a FOCUS Catholic Missionary in Nebraska, getting married in November. Child #3 graduated debt free and is now in his last year of Physical Therapy School getting his doctorate degree and unfortunately had to take a loan. Child #4 graduated last year debt free and is now teaching high school math. Child #5 is a senior who is graduating debt free this May. Child #6 is a sophomore at the Community College and planning to transfer next Fall. Child #7 is a freshman in Comm. College. Child #8 is  in 10th grade, #9 is 8th grade, they go to a two day Tutorial. The last four are 6th, 4th, 2nd. and pre K! Our family has been blessed with a five week old foster baby that we got four weeks ago from an agency called SAFE FAMILIES .
Having a new baby in the house has added lots more fun and lots less sleep for me but its all worth it when the kids fight over who gets to hold him!

Each year when my college kids get their grades back I send a message to my younger homeschool mom friends saying, "See it works!!! By the grace of God they must of learned something all those crazy pregnant, diaper changing, nursing years!!! "

God always blesses us with so many graces we just have to trust in His wisdom to overcome the obstacles and know He is in control! A wise priest gave me a fantastic penance this summer..."PRAY LIKE MARY, SO YOU CAN WORK LIKE MARTHA!" love that advice and plan to try to use it always!

Hope you are having a good new school year! Pray for all families dealing with change and anxiety!


1 comment:

Theresa said...

Just found your blog and love it! Can I ask what a Tutorial is--noticed they're wearing uniforms and am curious. Thanks!