Friday, June 24, 2011

New Me/Old Me:

On Feb 15th 2011 my momma died of kidney failure at age 86. For three weeks me and my seven siblings prepared her and ourselves for her passing.

Being the youngest I sat and waited and prayed...not to mention EAT. My four brothers dealt with my mom dying by cooking everything in sight. My three sisters took turns making my mom comfortable and giving her medications. I just sat and watched, prayed, and ate all kinds of comfort food. Then after she died I ate some more. This was just to add to the years of post baby pounds that crept up year after year...So on March 27th I declared that it was time to get fit. My girlfriend down the street had lost weight and she looked terrific. So I inquired what she did and she said The 17 Day Diet. So I ordered the book and got to work.

On March 27th I weighed 163 lbs and wore a size 16. My daughter is getting married in August and I wasn't pregnant so I got motivated and started exercising from 30 to 60 minutes a day.

Three months later I weigh about 130 lbs (lost about 33 lbs) and wear an size 8. I feel great and for the first time I am eating well.

You can read more here and here.

My kids are thrilled too to have a frig full of great fruits and veggies (thanks to ALDI's great prices) and my husband hasn't seen me this thin since we first got married.

Hope you are happy with yourself...God is Good!!!

Thy Will Be Done!!! +JMJ+

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!
    And thanks for the dieting encouragement--just what I needed!
