Wednesday, December 30, 2009

IMITATION OF CHRIST: meditation of the day-

The Fifty-Ninth Chapter
All Hope and Trust Are to Be Fixed In God Alone (part one)

The Disciple

WHAT, Lord, is the trust which I have in this life, or what is my greatest comfort among all the things that appear under heaven? Is it not You, O Lord, my God, Whose mercies are without number? Where have I ever fared well but for You? Or how could things go badly when You were present? I had rather be poor for Your sake than rich without You. I prefer rather to wander on the earth with You than to possess heaven without You. Where You are there is heaven, and where You are not are death and hell. You are my desire and therefore I must cry after You and sigh and pray. In none can I fully trust to help me in my necessities, but in You alone, my God. You are my hope. You are my confidence. You are my consoler, most faithful in every need.

All seek their own interests. You, however, place my salvation and my profit first, and turn all things to my good. Even though exposing me to various temptations and hardships, You Who are accustomed to prove Your loved ones in a thousand ways, order all this for my good. You ought not to be loved or praised less in this trial than if You had filled me with heavenly consolations.

Lord, let me show you how much I desire, hope, have confidence, and find consolation in You!!! You are my everything. Help me be a beacon of Your love and show others how much You love them!!! Keep my family close to You and help us never lose the faith we need to be the people You created us to be!!!


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