Thursday, December 31, 2009

From Regina Doman:

I am making a special appeal to you today.
Last night we took my 6-year-old son, Thomas, to the emergency room because of symptoms he was displaying that indicated he may have developed diabetes. The hospital doctors confirmed that he had.
Our current financial and insurance situation leaves little if any room to cover the projected on-going costs of managing this illness.
What we are asking of you is this:
In addition to your prayers, please forward this email (Modify as necessary. There is a link at the bottom of this email.) to as many people, bookstores, libraries, youth groups, schools, and book clubs you can, asking them to consider buying Regina Doman's Fairy Tale Novels.
Regina's Fairy Tale Novels are not only available on and Barnes & Noble, but also from these websites and others as well:
There are also order forms on the Fairy Tale Novels website for
regular retail purchases and
wholesale purchases
Soon my Fairy Tale Novels will also be available in Polish. We recently signed an agreement with a publisher in Poland. They have already begun to translate of The Shadow of the Bear into Polish.
More details to follow later.
So please forward this email to whoever you think could help us by buying my books.
THANK YOU! Thank you for your prayers for our family and especially for Thomas.
Peace and good, and blessings on your New Year.
Regina Doman

More info here.

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