Tuesday, March 23, 2021



Cell Phone Rules 

Our kids get to buy a cell phone at 15. They start with a dumb phone then if they behave they get a smartphone since school and maps are important uses for a phone. 

1. Phone Number: Do not give your phone number to anyone stranger.

2. Caller ID: Do not answer any calls or reply to any texts unless you know who it is (Caller ID).

Always answer when Mom or Dad call.

3. Extras: No downloads ("Get It Now") or joining websites with an email.

4. At Night: Phone MUST be turned off by 10pm each evening and left in mom and dad’s room for charging. It stays there till the next morning after school and/or chores are done.

5. Pictures: Do not send inappropriate pictures! If you receive any pictures from friends or anyone that make you uncomfortable, tell Mom or Dad about it.

6. At School: Phone must be turned in. Phone cannot be used at school during school hours unless you have your teacher's approval first.

7. Off Limits: No cell phone till your homework and jobs are done. No phone during family times (dinner, family night, or when company is over).

8. Contact List: You can only call or text those who are on your contact list.

9. Inspection: Mom & Dad can request to inspect your phone at any time.

10. Time Out: Remember this is our phone...even though you paid for it and pay for the service. If any of the above rules are broken, or you have a bad attitude, Mom or Dad may put the phone on "time-out" for as long as we feel it is necessary.


11. NO PHONE UPSTAIRS…if you get caught 30 days phone jail.


SIGN HERE: _________________________________________

Sam +JMJ+ Thy Will Be Done!!!

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