Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Talk to Your Kids About Life After High School ?:

Over at our local PATCH on line news they have asked this question:

How to Talk to Your Kids About Life After High School?

My short non preachy response is:

I have three children in the category. One is 21, graduating with her masters in May and getting married in August. My second will be 20 next month and is at the community college planning on transferring to MD next year. My third is 18 and also at the community college and transferring to Towson next year. My fourth child will be graduating this May and going to the community college also.

I think it depends on the direction they are going.

College: Make it a priority, don't miss a class. Do any extra credit available. Find study groups and like minded friends. Be diligent in your studies remembering that this is your main concern at this time in your life.

Work: Be the best you can be. Find something you shine at. Watch what you say and do at all times. Be kind and conscientious to your coworkers. If you don't have something to do during your scheduled work hours, find something to do or ask your supervisor for a job. Even if you are sweeping up floors...your time belongs to your job during work hours.

Dating: Even thou you are out of high school keep a balanced relationship with your girl friend/boy friend. Find fun inexpensive things to do. Like going for walks, to the park, downtown to site see, museums, or look your community for free activities or reasonably priced shows and events.

As a young adult never forget to give back to your community through volunteer work in something you are concerned about or passionate towards.

Of course don't forget to spend time with your family, especially your relatives and older members of your family. You will never regret the time spent with them and hearing the stories of how your family got started.

Trust me I could write a book on this and will post more advice about this later... like:

Frequent the sacraments as much as possible, pray daily, and KEEP THE FAITH!!!


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