Sunday, February 6, 2011

What's your perfect day???

Over at Faith and Family they are talking about what your perfect day would be like...mine goes something like this:

Good night sleep…
Make husband breakfast, just the way he likes it…
Getting to daily mass…
Baby not getting into everything…
Toddler not screaming…
Five year old not cutting her hair again…
7 year old doing school by herself…
9 year old laying on the couch reading…
11 year old writing another story…
13 year old playing with his little siblings…
14 year old doing school and cleaning room without being asked…
16 year old helping clean the house…
18 year old giving me a hug and sitting to talk to me…
19 year old getting the little kids together for a cleaning project…
21 year old agreeing that ALL my advice about her future wedding plans are great!!!
Making a perfect dinner without burning anything...
Working out with the kids…without my iron man husband laughing at us :)
Saying the family rosary…
and quietly off to bed without complaining for all!!!

Can’t wait till heaven!!!

Thy Will Be Done!!! +JMJ+

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