Thursday, January 13, 2011

Joyful memories of past and present...

Call me nostalgic...but this Christmas was really special...first of all, I had all my babies is nice and crazy...but having the 12 kids living under one roof is really special. The dynamics are funny and sometimes stressful...but wonderful all the same. We knew that this was gonna be the last time that these 12 would all be living at home at Christmas time...this year brings lots of changes, as usual, to our flexible household.

1. My oldest daughter is getting getting her master's in May and married in August...
2. My oldest son is moving on MD campus in August...
3. My second oldest son is turning 18 and moving on Towson campus in August...
4. My second oldest daughter is graduating from high school in May...
5. My fourteen year old will be turning 15...that means a cell phone this year and a summer job...
6. My sweet little (bigger than me now) 12 year old turns thirteen next me 5 teens...again!
7. My loving eleven year already changing from sweet to sassy...sad day
8. My wonderful nine year holding on to being a kid with both hands...I am grasping too...
9. My innocent seven year growing from a little princess to a little lady...
10. My goofy five year old...can't wait to be a flower girl...and ever time she sees her oldest sister...starts singing "Here comes the Bride!"
11. My three year starting to really grasp things and will be moving out of his crib in August...
12. My one year old...loves his big siblings and sadly calls their names when they leave...

My husband and I...are amazed how our love has grown and can't believe that we love each other more than the day we said, "I do!"

This article by Elizabeth Foss really hit home for me.



  1. How is it possible u can u loook that amazing after 12 kids??? God is good !!!

  2. So sweet! I loved that article too!
