Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolution: Repost:

I found this from a couple of years ago.My New Year’s Resolution

I am sure I will regret publicly telling everyone, especially my teenagers, what I am striving for this year!

As in many years past, I will resolve once again on being a better wife and mother. If you are not a wife or mother, hold on and you just might pick up on some good tips for living.

My parents were wonderful, not perfect as none of us will ever be, but wonderful just the same!!! They raised nine great children, I am sure our spouses will protest. Me being the baby, and as spoiled as can be, even to this day!!!

My dad worked hard to meet the needs of a growing family and trying to instill a love for God, Family, and Country. Sometimes taking a second job so to let my mom stay home and care for us. My mom was and is the perfect example of how to be a great wife, mother, and housekeeper. She taught me mainly by example and taught me over and over again not to “sweat the small stuff” and “If I can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all”!!! My mom made her vocation as a housewife an art. Her day centered on serving a nice dinner to her family, having the house in order when my dad got home, and looking her best.

That is definitely a lost art in today’s world. Granted families are not structured the same as they were 30 years ago, but we could still learn a thing or two from that generation. With so many demands on families we have to be creative in our approach to life.

I would like to share some ideas I have gotten from a well passed around copy of a 1950’s Home Economics book with advice to women on how to have a successful marriage. I am sure many of you have read it already, but it is worth reading again.

Before I lose half my readers, hold on and think about how to apply this to your life; either as a single person, single parent, or working family. You just might pick up on a nugget or two.

Of course that is most of our ideal. There are nights when 4pm rolls around and I still scramble to find something to feed my brood. My advice is to be simple. Planning ahead is great, but don’t stress out. Many stores now offer prepared meals to buy and although pricey they sometimes are necessary. Even if you are single, food preparation is healthier for your body.

I used to watch in amazement as my mom ditched the house coat and put on some makeup and brushed her hair. Wow! What a transformation! We laugh, but I have found that when I look nice, I feel nice. We all need a boost, especially at the end of the day. No matter what your profession, looking nice is important.

This is one of my biggest problems. In this day and age we all have so much stuff!!! A couple of years ago I utilized a system from “The Flylady”. Even thou I don’t follow everything she says, I did learn a thing or two from her website or her book. My town and other areas also have an online group called freecycle which helps get rid of unwanted stuff. Just Google your town's name and freecycle and you will find it. Just don’t get in the trap of getting more stuff you don’t need.

Don’t laugh, even if it is a reminder that dad or mom is coming home so to welcome them, there are many ways to do this no matter what your family schedule is. We all can try to make those around us feel loved, missed, or appreciated.

This sounds silly but we live in a busy world. Having some quiet time isn’t unthinkable. Even if it is just turning down or off the TV, radios, or many other noisy things in our life, every little bit helps. If I could just find the on and off button on my kids…

Tip 6: SOME DON’T’S.
Don’t greet each other with complaints or problems. We all can utilize that one no matter who we are. Let us start our new year by being positive and not criticize everyone and everything.

Don’t delete this; just think how to make those around you more comfortable. Work on attention to detail. Offer small kindnesses to those we come in contact with. It doesn’t have to be slippers and a pipe.

How about listen to THEM, we can all work on this common courtesy. Whether family, friends, or those we are in contact with we should remember to use eye contact and not to interrupt others. Especially with children, if we listen we would be surprised at the wisdom they have, not to mention how hilarious they can be!

Let us change this to make the evening as stress free as possible. HA you say! Families deal with tons of homework, sports, and other time consuming activities which are good and fun. They just take over our lives. Even single people have crazy schedules. We just need to sit back and relax a while, it is important for our well being. We need to use this time of year to reevaluate and down size our activities.

Tip 10: THE GOAL.
It says to try to make your home a place of peace and order. We all want that, and if we try to follow some of the first nine goals, I bet we will gain more each year.

If you are still with me and aren’t rolling on the ground laughing at my suggestions and try some. I just bet we would all be a little more enjoyable to be around, which makes our communities more enjoyable to live in.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

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