Saturday, September 18, 2010

Overnight French Toast Casserole

Overnight French Toast Casserole

1/2 cup butter, melted (1 stick)
12 - slices Texas toast or any leftover bread
1 - cup brown sugar
1 - tsp cinnamon
1/4 - tsp nutmeg
1/2 - cup chopped pecans (optional)
1 - tsp vanilla extract
5 - eggs
1 1/2 - cups milk

Melt butter and pour in a 9x 13 . Mix together brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and if nuts if you are using them. Whisk eggs, milk & vanilla together. Layer bottom of pan with half the bread pieces Sprinkle half brown sugar mix over the bread. Layer second half of bread. Pour egg mixture over the bread slices, making sure all are covered evenly. Sprinkle remaining brown sugar on top. Cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, remove from the refrigerator and cover with a new piece of foil. Preheat oven to 350 bake the casserole for 30 minutes. Then uncover and bake 15 more minutes french toast bake should be browned and set. I like to remove mine from the oven and pour some maple syrup on top and place back in the oven to caramelize for about 5-7 minutes.


  1. OOOOOOOOohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goodness. See, we've had pancakes and sausage and applesauce or peaches or pears since forever for our Sunday morning breakfasts. This might just have to make an appearance now and then. Mostly now. And probably then, too. ;)


    PS--happy to report that the morning sickness has almost completely vanished, thanks be to God--and thank you for your prayers! Also, rejoice with me for my dear friend and her family, who, this morning, welcomed baby #6 into their family...a lovely (and terribly pudgy!) little girl named Veronica. Thanks be to God! +JMJ+

  2. This looks easy and yummy!
    I posted one recipe for tomorrow and thought you may be interested in it too....check back tomorrow!!!
    God bless,
