Friday, May 28, 2010

My Oldest Child Graduates from College!!!

This past Monday my oldest child graduated from college.

What a splendid day!!! We started out with breakfast with the social work majors than off to the graduation. I really didn't think I would be too emotional, but sitting there staring at her on the floor ready to process to receive her degree, as I nursed my eight month old---I started to tear up.

Check out the red shoes
Proud Papa
Which one is the school mascot?
The family (minus Oldest son who is in the Seminary)

To My Dearest Daughter:

I am proud beyond words...I can't help but brag.

You have been homeschooled forever...

You have always loved reading and have read everything you could get your hands on...

You have worked since you were 11 saving and prudently spending your money...

You graduated early with great maturity and fervor...

You accomplished great academic strides at the community college...

You held down a job and kept great grades all during college...

You have been a great big sister and God Mother, always taking your siblings fun places...

You have proven yourself mature beyond your years...

You bought your own car, lap top, and phone...

You have chosen a nice young man to spend your time with...

You kept your faith as a priority all these years...

You have successfully learned how to manage your time, money, studies, and social life...

You pretty much handled all your bill's on your own these four years...

You were accepted into the advanced Master's one year program...

You graduated at 20 years of age with Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0!!!

You graduated DEBT FREE...

You diligently start your Master's program a week after graduating...

You are so special and I am so proud of you...

You are a great example to those who know you...

Wow, have you raised the bar for the next 11 kids!!!

I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I am living my baby you'll be!!!



  1. Wow! Congratulations Alex... and to you too, proud mama and papa! Well done... After reading your post, it is clear that you have so much to be proud of... I'm going to make sure Gracie sees this... This is good role model stuff in a world without many. You forgot to add that she's very nice to your friends when they drop in... Enjoy this season of life, as I'm sure you always do. : )

  2. Wooohoooo!

    Congrats to you, Alex!

    AND to you, Sam! How very proud you SHOULD be!!!;)

    God bless, Mary
