Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010: MOVIE REVIEW MONDAY...

My movie review Monday has a twist...we watched old family movies...I challenge you to do the same this month...go ahead...the kids will love it!!!

This Mother's Day was one of the best days ever...

Woke up around 8 am with my 7 month old snoring in my ear, my four year old daughter staring at me, my husband doing dishes in the kitchen, and hearing my 2 year old asking daddy if mommy was sick?

My four year old then brought me breakfast in bed. Granola and yogart, with some tea.

Then I got to lay in bed and have some quiet meditation time with my Lord.

One by one the kids came in to tell me Happy Mother's Day.

I finally decided to roll out of bed around 8:50am so the kids could give me presents.

I got jade earrings, bracelet, and necklace...(good job daddy and amazon) A really nice card from my oldest daughter with a workout video for us to do when she moves back home in 10 days!!!

Then off to 10am mass and Marian procession.

Home to lunch and getting ready for two soccer games.

My husband and 15 year old daughter went to my 17 year olds 20 year old daughter and 8 year old son came with me to my 10 & 12 year olds game. My 14 year old daughter stayed home with the four youngest.

Got home and got bikes and picnic ready for my "outing".

We all road bikes to my favorite pond that I grew up going to.

Had a picnic and fed the geese.

Made it home safely and watched family movies...the little guys were very upset that there were only 3 kids in the movie and wanted to know where they were...the big ones said to just pretend it was them since they all looked the same anyway.

Then 8 of my kids layed in bed with me (one of my favorite things) and watched Extreme Home Makeover (my favorite show) with me.

Then off to bed for everyone.

Thank you God and thank you honey & kids for a great day!!!


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