Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy 21st Anniversary Honey:

True Love...
This is a very exciting day...

I married you when I was 21 years old...
now being 42 I am thrilled to be your wife for half of my life!!!
+Pretty amazing+

Hmm, I think our day went a little like this:

12 am May 20, 2010-
Husband in bed with wicked stomach virus, someone crying upstairs, I go to get the 8month old and start nursing him back to to 14 year old to get 4 year old who is upstairs crying...

12:30 am-
Finally fall back to sleep...

4:30 am-
Wake up to 2 year old crying and had just wet his crib...change clothes and blankets, convince him to go back to bed...

5:45 am-
Baby wakes up...

6:30 am-
Two year old says he is up now!!!

8:30 am-
Try to decide how to get to mass to celebrate my anniversary...

8:35 am-
Sick husband yells from his room...4 year old is in bathroom covered in diarrhea...throw her in shower...get dressed...

9:30 am-
Tell 15 year old to get ready to go and take her learners test...

10:10 am-
Get baby in bed and drive to DMV...say the rosary for daughter's successful test...

10:40 am-
Get to DMV, check in, find out we forgot to get "school form" for attendance...must go home...text 17 year old at home to get form off internet...

10:55 am-
Get home, get form, drive to umbrella directors house for signature of form...go home...

11:05 am-
Nurse baby, feed kids, do laundry, get 17 year old son who was barfing the night before ready to go and pick out tux for the prom next week...

Pick up "prom date" go to tux shop pick out very handsome black tux, purple paisley vest, bow tie, black shoes, and plain white text saying hurry home-baby just threw up...

12:50 pm-
Get home clean and nurse the baby...get 2 year old down for nap...look over at 8 year old...looking sick...hmmm...put sick baby down for nap...

1:00 pm-
Get daughter to go DMV (again) to take test...she passes!!! Wait in long line for id...

2:30 pm-
Get home...take 6 year old for bike ride...

3:30 pm-
Get home...start thinking about the steak dinner on the grill...decide too many are sick...wait till tomorrow for nice dinner...

3:45 pm-
8 year old barfs on kitchen floor...

4:00 pm-
Make 4 and 6 year old girls happy and exchange gifts...mommy gets fancy shower gets cool trash can, hose carrier, and grill lighter...(we are sooo romantic- I mean practical)

5:00 pm-
Eat chicken nuggets and frozen pizza...convince the little girls that this is the celebration.
Had to remind them that last year was our 20th and very special. This year we were just happy with staying home.

6:20 pm-
Take neighbor to baton practice...(random)

7:00 pm-
Put baby to bed...try to get 2 year old to bed...took way too long...

7:30 pm-
Teenagers leave to youth group...husband and I sit to watch LEAP YEAR ...interrupted like 15 times by various children coming out of their rooms...uggghhh!!!

9:30 pm-
Go to bed finally...two year old decides to get up...I am ready to lose it...

10:30 pm-
Trying to post my anniversary blog...

11:15 pm-
Seventeen year old son calls downstairs to say 2 year old is awake and running around upstairs naked trying to kill a bug...go figure???

love is a feeling...
being with you honey is a lifetime!!!



  1. You've made me very tired! I've only 8, but the stomach bug thing is exhausting even then. Congratulations on your anniversary!!


  2. All of the sickness makes it a little more intense, but I'm sure you wouldn't have it any other way!!! Happy Anniversary! Passed the last clip of Yours, Mine, and Ours to my husband...we've never seen it but will have to get it on Netflix now!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I hope you all are starting to feel better!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! Ours was yesterday, too. (27th for us) I remember one anniversary where I got to sit in the hospital watching Mike doped up on Morphine. He was waiting for his emergency gallbladder surgery. Oh, the memories! Sounds like you had QUITE the day. Hope that bug gets out of there quickly!

  5. You totally amaze me! And I LOVE the Leap Year Movie!!! Great date flick! Hope everyone is better soon/now!

  6. Wow. You do more in a day than I do in a week. I enjoyed reading about the zaniness... Happy Anniversary... Hope everyone is feeling better! : )
