Thursday, May 13, 2010

3 Rules of Facebook Privacy:

3 Rules of Facebook Privacy:

By Caroline Knorr
May 12, 2010
Help Your Teens Control Their Privacy
3 Simple Rules to Keep in Mind

Help Your Teens Control Their Privacy

In this constantly changing, 24/7 digital world, there are three things parents can count on: 1. Technology evolves quickly; 2. Your kids will find out everything before you do; 3. You can have a huge, proven influence on your kids' behavior.Unfortunately, the first two usually happen way before you have a chance to act on number three.

For example, Facebook. When you sit down with your teens to help them set their Facebook privacy settings, the quantity and type of settings can be overwhelming. Take heart. By focusing on the three key areas where your information is most likely to get away from you, you can simplify the process.

3 Simple Rules to Keep in Mind

Stick with your friends. Have your teens limit their privacy settings to Only Friends. That’ll restrict who sees your kids’ information, including pictures, videos, and applications they use.

Keep private information private. When filling out their bios, teens can leave fields blank. There is no need for your teens to post their phone numbers or addresses. These features are optional and aren't required to create a Facebook account.

Don't let your information get away from you. If your teens haven’t restricted who can share their information, their personal data can end up in the hands of marketers. Also, advise your teens to be on the lookout for personal information requests -- like their birthday or music playlist -- from third parties. And make sure your teens uncheck the public search results box so people can't find their Facebook page through a Google search.

Our kids are growing up in public. They have to understand that privacy concerns really matter and that they should think twice before revealing information that they may later regret or that they may not understand is being used by third parties. For more detailed information on privacy online, read You're Not as Private as You Think and Rules of the Road for Kids.


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