Saturday, April 10, 2010

What kind of kids am I raising?

Let me tell you a little story...
I married my high school sweetheart...
Was thrilled that I got pregnant on my honeymoon...
When my first born was six months old I got pregnant again...
Then by the grace of God the babies kept coming...
We had been researching homeschooling before we even got married...
Our kids never went to school...
The oldest three graduated as homeschoolers...
I nursed all until they were at least one...
We didn't own a TV for about 10 years...
We owned a Christian Bookstore for 10 years...
I thought I had done a pretty good job at raising them...
Than last night, I was doing laundry and saw this in my playroom:

What in the world?
My dear St Joseph and baby Jesus!!!
So, trying not to laugh...
I stomped into the kitchen where my three sons were and said, "who in the world did this?"
The cute little four year old girl smirked...
How could she?
I guess I need to work on my parenting some more!!!



  1. Oh my goodness. What a little spitfire you have there. So funny. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. LOL!!! You cracked me up with that picture. I can just see Kateri doing that someday too. :-)
