Monday, April 19, 2010

Movie Review Monday:

As my 17 year old son said..."one of the best movies, I have seen all year!"

I totally agree. If you haven't seen is well worth your time and I would even buy it.

It is appropriate for teenagers...if you are going to show it to the younger guys-watch it first.


1 comment:

  1. We saw this movie for the first time this weekend! We loved it--but so glad we previewed it before watching it w/my 11 and 10 yr olds. (We'll be saving it for later for them.)

    Everyone told me about the one scene in the projects where there was some drug use, fighting, etc. I had no problem with that, and thought there was nothing objectionable until the very last few lines when she said "Now don't you go getting a girl pregnant!" Totally unnecessary and totally not okay for my tweens! I couldn't believe it.

    We did love the movie, though.

    +JMJ+ God bless you guys!
    --Kim a total stranger from WI :)
