Monday, February 15, 2010

Movie Review Monday:

The 10 Most Redeeming Films of 2009 from Christianity Today

1. Up-loved it!!! For all ages.

directed by Pete Docter
It's got talking dogs piloting fighter planes and a house that floats to South America on the strength of a thousand balloons, but the most outrageous thing about Up? It's a summer blockbuster that's head-over-heels for the joys of marriage. Here lifelong commitment isn't a burden; it's an adventure.—Josh Hurst

2. The Blind Side-haven't seen it yet, heard it is amazing!!!

directed by John Lee Hancock
The Touhys, a well-to-do white family, can't ignore the needs of a homeless African-American boy. Instead of just lending a hand, they make him family. This real-life story of NFL player Michael Oher shows a great example of Christian compassion. We can't save the world, but we can love the ones God puts in our path.—Camerin Courtney

3. Invictus-never heard of it+

directed by Clint Eastwood
This is much more than just another sports movie or "another Clint Eastwood awards season movie." It's a beautiful portrait of forgiveness and a model for how reconciliation can happen in reality, and how politics can employ things like sports and poetry in the service of national renewal.—Brett McCracken

4. The Road-never heard of it+

directed John Hillcoat
Despite the bleak and sometimes terrifying post-apocalyptic milieu, this film—based on the book by Cormac McCarthy—stands out from other recent end-times flicks in its tenacious, audacious insistence on hope in the midst of darkness. Plus it's one of the most loving father-son relationships ever depicted on the big screen.—Mark Moring

5. The Soloist-never heard of it+

directed by Joe Wright
This true tale of the unlikely relationship between a newspaper columnist and a musically gifted, mentally ill homeless man is a testament to the power of friendship. There are no easy answers here and the homeless problem among the mentally ill is clearly epidemic, but for both of these men, care and companionship are transformative.—Lisa Cockrel

6. Where the Wild Things Are-heard it was lame...

directed by Spike Jonze
Jonze reimagines Maurice Sendak's tale of high-spirited rebellion as a meditation on childhood insecurity in a messy world in which nothing—families, forests, even the Sun—lasts forever. Wild Things knows both a child's drowning sense of trying to hold together a broken family and the comfort of a mother's embrace, a calm center in a storm of uncertainty.—Steven D. Greydanus

7. District 9-never heard of it+

directed by Neil Blomkamp
Using aliens and spaceships, District 9 actually gives new perspective on humans—their ugliness, racism, and greedy self-preservation. Perhaps because it shows a realistically dark world, we can see what shines. And because the main character is a complex mash-up of good and evil, his ultimate redemptive choice is powerful.—Todd Hertz

8. The Hurt Locker-never heard of it+

directed by Kathryn Bigelow
A group of soldiers spend their days in combat and their nights shooting it out in video games; they see violence as macho and cool, but we see it as a deadly addiction. A lot of war movies turn our hearts to anger, but this one fills us with compassion for the people whose lives are caught in the crossfire.—Josh Hurst

9. Julie & Julia-loved it, older audiences

directed by Nora Ephron
It's rare to see happy marriages portrayed in Hollywood—after all, no tension is boring. In contrast, Julie & Julia presents us with not one, but two marriages in which the husbands and wives genuinely love one another and stand ready to support, encourage, and laugh together. A feast, indeed.—Alissa Wilkinson

10. Up in the Air-never heard of it+

directed by Jason Reitman
The core characters may not always behave honorably, but that's the point of this cautionary parable about investing more in selfish pursuits than in relationships. How sadly ironic that Ryan Bingham so skillfully helps others find hope and meaning in unemployment, yet can't find any in his own cocoon—though there's hope even for him.—Russ Breimeier

The Ones That Got Away

Avatar (Russ Breimeier)-supposed to be good, but not for real young children
Sin Nombre (Lisa Cockrel)-never heard of it+
Crazy Heart (Camerin Courtney)-never heard of it+
Coraline (Brandon Fibbs)-never heard of it+
The 13th Day (Steven D. Greydanus)-never heard of it+
Precious (Todd Hertz)-never heard of it+
A Serious Man (Josh Hurst)-never heard of it+
Bright Star (Brett McCracken)-never heard of it+
Earth (Mark Moring)-never heard of it+
The Young Victoria (Alissa Wilkinson)-never heard of it+

Send me your favorite movie ideas+



  1. LOVED the Blind Side! Great date night movie.

    I loved Leap Year (takes place in Ireland!)- its a really cute, too! (scandal warning: there is a scene where the heroine is in her underclothes and the guy walks in on her.)

  2. Hi Sam!
    We watched UP this weekend and LOVE LOVED LOVED it too!
    We also starting watching "13th Day"- it's a movie about Fatima and it is totally awesome too! So, you need to see it!
    God bless,
