Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trying to get back in the swing of things...

My wonderful sister who got to go to my daughter's game when I couldn't make it.

I have always been open to "when" God wanted us to have a baby...but, with my surprise C section and other complications...fall was difficult. We had kids playing ball in all directions. Only with the help of MANY, MANY friends taking our kids to practices and games, was it possible.

It was hard not to be able to go to many games and cheer on my kids. So, when I felt better, I was excited to get to as many as possible...dodging the rain and cold weather with a new born and a busy toddler.

This week I got to go to my daughter's end of the year outdoor game and cookout. It was from 3-6pm and the kids were having a blast on the moon bounce and eating lots of treats. Since I was by myself it was getting crazy around 5pm with a three year old coming down with a cold, a cranky two year old, and a cold, nursing newborn.

My kind neighbor offered to take my daughter home for me so I could get the little guys home and ready for bed...I figured, well, it is almost over. I guess that would be best. So I packed up the seven youngest and headed home.

I got about half way home and got a call from my neighbor saying that they gave awards to just three girls on the being my wonderful daughter!!! She was awarded the UNSUNG HERO AWARD!!! Her plaque says, " For her contribution to exemplifying Christian character, positive attitude, faithfulness and dedication; and setting an example to her teammates as an encouraging role model."

I was so disappointed that I wasn't there to cheer (or embarrass her).

O well, at least her guardian angel was there with her!!!



  1. Totally great! Unsung her! Isn't that what we desire most for all of our children? To be these authentic Christians in every place and at all times, not just when surrounded in the Catholic cocoon. You can be well pleased- even when you are not there this young woman lives well the legacy you have given her! Keep up the very good work, Mom!

  2. I meant unsung HERO!

  3. Congratulations to your Daughter and to YOU ... the mommy who set such a great example.

    I had 4 natural births and an unplanned c-section for my 5th. It was so hard on my body and my mind. It took a long time for me to get back into the swing of things.
